
What we do

VADANZ (Voluntary Assisted Dying Australia and New Zealand) is the peak body representing multidisciplinary health care professionals providing voluntary assisted dying services in Australia and New Zealand.

Our vision is a healthcare system where health professionals are supported to provide excellence in voluntary assisted dying care.

Our purpose as a peak body is to represent the voices of health care professionals so they can deliver evidence-based, high quality voluntary assisted dying care.

What We Do

How we do it

Support high quality VAD care

  • Define principles of high-quality VAD care
  • Identify and develop clinical resources to address gaps in high-quality VAD care
  • Develop training and professional recognition

Strengthen and support VAD healthcare professional workforce

  • Facilitate and promote spaces that meet the needs of a multidisciplinary VAD workforce
  • Identify workforce gaps and their needs
  • Work with regulators and stakeholders to create and support a sustainable VAD workforce

Create a sustainable organisation

  • Ensure VADANZ attracts and represents a broad membership, representative of all geographies and disciplines

Provide leadership and expert advice

  • Develop capacity to reach consensus and formulate VADANZ positions
  • Engage members in the provision of expert advice
  • Identify and engage key decision-makers and stakeholders

Build VAD evidence base and promote research

  • Identify research needs and opportunities for collaboration across jurisdictions
  • Help translate research into practice
  • Facilitate a network to conduct research


We have a multidisciplinary Board of Directors:

Dr Sally Cockburn – President
Dr Andrea Bendrups – President-Elect
Ray Plibersek – Secretary
Susan Jury – Board Member
Professor Michael Dooley – Board Member
Dr Clare Fellingham – Board Member
Dr Keith McArthur – Board Member
Dr Chloe Furst – Board Member

Become a VADANZ member today

Practising members can access:

Member-only content, activities and forums
10% discount on VAD Conference fees
MVADANZ post nominals
Access to CPD education (in development)

Retired and associate memberships also available.