Melbourne | May 2026
VADANZ and Go Gentle Australia are delighted to announce the third Trans-Tasman Voluntary Assisted Dying Conference will be held in Melbourne in May 2026.
Join the community of VAD health professionals, researchers and policymakers coming together to share their insights and build the future of quality VAD care in Australia and New Zealand.
VADANZ members can access discounted conference tickets. Register your interest to be notified when tickets are available. Please also share this event with your network.
Running a conference of this size and complexity is an enormous and expensive undertaking. Sponsorship is crucial. If you would like to partner with us, or know of someone who would, please get in touch at
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the next Trans-Tasman Voluntary Assisted Dying Conference?
The next conference will be held in May 2026.
Where will VADCON26 be held?
The conference will be held in Melbourne, Australia. More details will be provided closer to the date.
Who can attend the conference?
The conference is open to anyone aged 18+.
When will tickets go on sale?
Tickets will be available from mid-2025. Register your interest to be notified when tickets are available.
When will the full program be released?
More details will be provided closer to the date.
Does this conference qualify for CPD?
Yes. Contact your professional body for more information.